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Dry Stone Walling Courses 


2 Day Beginner Course Dates in 2022:

24th & 25th June
30th & 31st July
13th & 14th August
1st & 2nd September
17th & 18th September
6th & 7th October
22nd & 23rd October

Our new courses are just £150 per person and we will shortly be launching our 2023 courses.

Richard Gray/s Biography

Richard Gray gives talks, tours and lectures on the history and practice of dry stone walling. He has instructed for the Cotswold Conservation Board’s Beginner’s Courses and BSI, Lantra and led DSWA professional certification over the last 7 years. A qualified teacher, he was for several years an external examiner at Manchester Metropolitan University. After setting up Hillrise Stonework in 2006 he passed the DSWA Level 2 Craftsman Certification scheme examination and became a professional member of the DSWA. He believes in promoting greater understanding and knowledge about traditional dry stone walling which until recently was in decline and perhaps taken for granted by much of the population.

Why Notgrove?

Notgrove is a private estate set in 1,500 acres of beautiful Cotswold countryside with a working farm, a beautiful Cotswold stone village and as part of its diversification, a holiday accommodation business.  The estate is run by Harry and Diana Acland who are passionate about preserving the countryside and our traditional ways of life including the skill of dry stone walling.

How to Book:

For more information or to book, please see our website: https://notgroveholidays.com/activities/dry-stone-walling-course/

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